
Shopping in Hrodna: ‘must haves' to bring back home from Belarusian visa free city

Tourists are coming and coming to Hrodna and they mostly face the same challenge: what should they bring back home from visa free city to their home countries, either leaving some memories from this beautiful city or looking for a lovely present to the closest ones. Hrodna.life has made an ‘it' list that helps to solve that issue and find something really special!

1. Sweets

Halvah, marshmallow or chocolate glazed curd bar — these goodies tourists even have never heard about. In grocery store you can find even many types of halvah — with sugar and sunflower seeds or nuts. Marshmallow is extremely sweet dessert made from applesauce.

Also we would recommend to you to buy some candies — not only because of the their incredible taste, but also for their really cool package!

Where to buy: these products you can find almost in each grocery store. However, there are also official brand stores: ‘Kamunarka' -Vilienskaja street, 2, ‘Spartak'- Sacyjalistyčnaja street 14, ‘Čyrvony charčavik' - Savieckaja street, 6. In links below you can check the range of that sweets and design of packages. Most likely, it is worth to buy something just because of that awesome boxes!

Tasty souvenirs from Hrodna might be raw sunflower seeds or nuts as well. Either organic flavorings, though.

Where to buy: we recommend to visit Skidzieĺski market, there is a very big choice at groceries around the market.

2. Wares of Belarusian craftsmen

Presents made by craftsmen will be something very special as each of them has its own charming touch. In Hrodna you can find affordable ceramics, leather, wood or metallic goods. Also you can find lovely fashion jewelry made from wood, metal or ceramics.

Where to buy: such presents you can find in specialized stores or small street markets organized by local craftsmen on Savieckaja street. On Savieckaja street, 3 you can find store ‘Bahač'. On Vialikaja Trajeckaja — even two local stores with hand-made souvenirs — ‘Liolia' and ‘Cudoŭnia'.

3. Vyšyvanka, traditional Belarusian outfit

Vyšyvanka is national Belarusian outfit with authentic Belarusian ornaments. It is some kind of ‘it' trend in Belarus now and got back as fashion thing a few years ago. For vyšyvanka you can add coloured fabric belt. Now this kind of outfit got the new form — as a T-shirt.

You can wear it on special occasions or as a regular outfit.

Moreover, if you would like to buy something with traditional Belarusian ornament, not necessary the outfit, you can find accessories with traditional ornament: tape, bookmarks, earrings and so on.

Where to buy: same stores as for wares of craftsmen. Also you can visit ‘Chata mastaka‘ store on Savieckaja street 13, ‘Ratušny' store on Savieckaja street 1, and art gallery ‘Tkallia' on Zamkavaja street 15−1.

4. Felt boots, or valionki

These are traditional, typical for Belarusians flocky boots made from fleece. Extremely warm and cozy! You can also choose flocky sneakers or mittens. That would be a very lovely accessory and it’s good for your health as well.

Where to buy: Sadly, there is no official Store of Smilavičy factory, the only producer of valionki in Belarus, in Hrodna, however, in winter time you can find valionki almost in all shoes stores of Hrodna’s shopping malls. Casual felt boots for men are provided in special stores for fishmen and hunt amateurs. Hand-made valionki can be found on small markets organized by local craftsmen or should be ordered individually.

5. Goods from Belarusian flax

Flax is traditional Belarusian fabrique. We would recommend to buy clothing made from flax- shirts, dresses, or household goods such as tablecloths, towels or bedclothes. White or coloured, printed or not-it's up to you which to choose.

Where to buy: On Horkaha street, 91, on the second floor, there is official store of ‘Belarusian flax' factory. Also you can find goods from flax in ‘Nioman' shopping mall in the city center or in souvenirs shops.

It is a good option to buy shoes made from flox. Sneakers, flats or even boots are produced by Lida’s shoes factory. Unfortunately, official store of Lida’s shoes factory is closed in 2016, however, you can find their shoes in Hrodna’s stores, for example, ‘Sporttavary' on Ažeški street, 42, or in ‘Karona' and ‘Euroopt' supermarkets.

6. Organic Belarusian cosmetics

Organic cosmetics is something Belarusians can be very proud of as these are high quality, yet affordable products. That’s why foreign tourists buy hair and face masks, shampoos and conditioners, face moisturizers.

There lots of lines by choice-for young skin and anti-age products, for men and women. The most famous are BelorDesign, Markell, Relouis, BelKosmex, Belita-Vitex.

Where to buy: in almost all drug stores and beauty shops around city. There is a very big choice in shopping malls and official stores.

7. Souvenirs from Hrodna

Postcards, tourists magnets, cups — all these goodies will remind you of Hrodna after trip. You can find bookmarks in bookstores, there are interesting books about Belarus and Hrodna’s region as well.

Where to buy: in bookstores ‘Pramietej' on Savieckaja street or ‘Ranica' on Mastavaja street you can buy cups, plates and tourists magnets with Hrodna. There is a very big choice of unusual presents in ‘Cudoŭnia' store. For example, they offer coloured stained-glass windows that show Hrodna from unusual side.

8. Glass and crystal from ‘Neman' factory

Glass and crystal ‘Neman' factory is the most famous Belarusian producer of goods made from glass and crystal. You can choose crockery-stemwares, glasses, plates, pots, or some kind of sculptures that may pass to interior design of your home. Around them you can find either transparent or coloured glass, stained-glass windows and so on.

Where to buy: in official stores of ‘Neman' factory on Karbyšava street 32, Horkaha street 90, in shopping mall ‘Nioman' on Savieckaja street.

9. Belarusian linen and knitwear

Cozy and affordable- that’s what we can say about Belarusian linen. You find something for yourself by checking last collections from Mark Formelle, Serge and Milavitsa. Tights from ‘Conte', brand from Hrodna, is a ‘must' thing for every woman. Recently, ‘Conte' has started production of knitwear collection as well.

Where to buy: you find linen and knitwear almost in all clothing stores around the city. However, it’s better to visit official stores for bigger choice and latest collections. ‘Milavitsa' stores on Najdusa street 1, and Marksa street 12. It is also worth to visit official store of ‘Belarusačka' on Teliehrafnaja street 14.

10. Gloves

Even the whole tourists groups are coming in official store of ‘Akcent' factory to buy leather gloves. High quality goods and affordable prices — Hrodna’s factory ‘Akcent' acquires primary products from the best providers. Classic gloves made from leather of noble deer have never been outdated, that’s why it’s really worth to visit the store, moreover, the official store is in Hrodna’s city center.

Where to buy: official store of ‘Akcent' is located on Mastavaja street, 33.

10. Watches

Watches from Hrodna might be a good reminder of the times spent there. In Hrodna you can find an official store of Belarusian producer of watches ‘Luch' in OldCity shopping mall (Dubko street, 17).

Also you can find them in random stores around the city. Classic watches, jewelry watches, watches with traditional Belarusian ornaments, retro-watches-all of them you can find at ‘Luch' store. You also can be very fond of cool mechanic watches with automatic movement from ‘Ego' collection by ‘Luch'.

Where to buy: in official ‘Luch' store on Dubko street, 17 (‘OldCity' shopping mall), ‘Pramień' store on Ažeški, 8, shopping mall ‘Nioman' on Savieckaja, 18.


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